ESBnAIght: Transform your photo with Stable Diffusion

Upload a photo of yourself. We’ll let the AI loose on it.

More precisely: 
Take a selfie of yourselves in front of a light background. Landscape format. Look into the camera. Smile. Like this:


You can of course also use an old picture. The only important thing is that the picture matches this description: A portrait of a person, looking at camera, smiling, light neutral background.

The AI then uses this to create a new 2.5 D image (anime, fantasy, semi-realistic features). This can look like this, for example:

Important for you to know: In order for you to see the results, we must be allowed to show them online. Therefore: „By uploading my image, I agree that my image (original and AI created) may be shown on the event website.“

Choose FilesNo Files ChosenAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, png, ico. Max. file size: 20 MB

Where do I find the pictures?
You can find the results in our Dropbox. Note that It will take a few minutes until the picture is finished.

More on this?
The AI model behind the transformation is Stable Diffusion. We use a model specially trained for anime/fantasy (rev-animated).